Sylvester is on a mission to empower you with the keys to grow your emotional and spiritual resilience.

Life is always going to be filled with adversity.

But it is not about running from the battles, but about fighting them head-on and emerging victorious.

Have you ever felt like life has knocked you down so hard that getting back up seems impossible?

This book is a transformative guide to overcoming adversity, offering you the insights and tools needed to uncover your God-given strength and courage. Whether you're facing personal, professional, or spiritual challenges, this book will help you discover the resilience within to rise stronger than before.


who is Sylvester Jenkins?

Sylvester is a native of Columbus, GA. The Inspirational Speaker is a man of many appellations, including a Devoted Husband, and father of four kids, retired Army First Sergeant, a Fitness Enthusiast, a Self-Published Author, and a Mental Health advocate. He is no stranger to adversity, Sylvester grew up in a low-income single-parent home surrounded by gang violence in a drug-infested neighborhood, where a young man was only expected to do 3 things, die, go to jail, or make it out by luck.

Instead of becoming a product of his environment, he decided to choose the path of joining the Military and investing in himself. Beating the odds with no luck but faith, hard work, and determination. Sylvester can now call himself a combat veteran, First-generation college graduate, and  Bestselling author. He has dedicated himself to sharing his life’s work to empower others to become the best version of themselves. Sylvester glorifies the understanding that your start doesn’t determine your finish. That no matter what you do, as long as you have faith, bet on yourself, and put your best foot forward, the results will always reciprocate a positive outcome.

He is a phenomenal author and speaker who has empowered thousands of people by helping them reach their goals, personally and professionally.

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